the daily stirrer

The Black Hat Biotech Menu

by Ian R Thorpe
A roundup of all our posts on the effort by The New World Order (global corporations in collusion with the United States government) to give control of the planets food supplies into the hands of a few corporate biotech giants all of which have very dubious records on ethical issues.
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GM (genocidal malfeasance) exposed as bee killer
A very dark kind of satire here. Just a few days ago we had yet another 'prominent scientist' (i.e. one who has sold his arse for corporate money) repeating the discredited claim that there is NO EVIDENCE THAT GM CROPS HARM THE ENVIRONMENT ... And yesterday we get this:

We Told You That GM Crops Are Harmless Claims Were Bollocks
The financial markets seem to be getting more volatile, with share prices and currency values fluctuating wildly on the slightest indication of good or bad news. what you have to remember of course is that the more the markets fluctuate, the more our pensions and insurances get hit and the more profit those whose business depends on betting on or against shares, commodities and derivatives will make.

Only Lunatics Would Endager The Food supply For The Sake Of Corporate Profits
We have always opposed effort of Black Hat Biotech (global corporations in collusion with the United States government and the United Nations) to give control of the planets food supplies into the hands of a few corporate biotech giants all of which have very dubious records on ethical issues. Now mainstream media have joined the pushback and are reporting that the science is not settled .

We Told You That GM Crops Are Harmless Claims Were Bollocks
Monsanto's Roundup Read Crops And Roundup Herbicide Linked To Altered Testicular Function, Damaged Sperm and Reduced Fertility. World Health Organization studies report about 20% of young European men have sperm counts below the reference level of 20 m/ml, and 40% have levels below 40 m/ml. Semen quality deterioration and fertility issues are also escalating, the research also concludes ....

Five reasons why Roundup should be banned forever As everyone who follows the Daily Stirrer will be aware, we are no fans of the push for genetically modified foods. Now before anyone accuses us of being 'anti - science' let's clarify that a little. It is not genetic modification per se we are against, tweaking the genes of peaches to add a bit of plum DNA and thus get rid of that awful, fuzzy skin and produce Nectarines is fine.
What we are against is genetically engineering food crop plants to be resistant to what are euphemistically named "weed killers" so the fields can be sprayed with stuff that will kill

The Insanity Of Those Who believe Genetically Modified Foods Are Safe
Some people will tell you that everything we eat is genticically modified as a way of trying to persuade you those of us campaigning against government / corporate efforts to force GM foods into our diet are just scaremongers. There is a big difference however between selective breeding which farmers have done foir thousands of years, and re-engineering plant DNA so the plant still produces its foodcrop even efter being splayed with weedkillers and pesticides deadly to humans in very small quantities

Bulgaria Stands Up To EU Over Full Ban On GM Crops

While cowardly British and French leaders kowtow to the forces of darkess pushing the federal Europe agenda and the corporations trying to control the EU institutions, it is left to the smaller, less powerful states that are more in touch with their national culture and sense of community to assert their independence is the face of corporatism and bureaucratic bullying. In the latest "up yours" gesture to the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels, Bulgaria has refused categorically to legalize the cultivation of GMO Maize in Europe.

Pesiticides To Blame For Bee Extinction, Not Natural Causes
Just as the seasons and the phases of the zodiac go in cycles, like the tides and the cycle of renewal, so the attempts to suppress scientific debate about ways in which scientists attempts to control nature are destroying the environment follow on in a seemingly unchangeable order. At this time of year it is bee comony collapse, next it will be extreme weather events

Too Fracking Cosy
Owen Paterson is Secretary of State for the Environment in the Coalition government. Owen Paterson's brother-in-law is Viscount Matt Ridley who is, I believe, the nephew of the Nick Ridley who was a minister in Margaret Thatcher's government. He is also a former ...

UK Government Collaborating With The GM Biotech Sector To Get Toxic GM Shite Introduced Into Britain.We have already witnessed allegedly democratic governments collaborating with corporate pirates to the detriment of citizens best intertests, now we are seeing it again. As a moutain of evidence stacks up to confirm that concerns about the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and showing claims of increased crop yilds to be exaggerated, politicians with financial links to the biotech companies are queueing to spout corporate propaganda an support of this toxic shite.

The Mad Scientists Mania For Genetically Modifying Everything
Genetically Modified (GM) organisms? The science is setttled right, the only way to feed the world's growing population is to accept GM foods and hand control of the human food chain to some of the nastiest, most fascistic corporate busineses on earth, right? Well fortunately it is not as clear cut as that, independent research shows GM crops do not give increased yields and do pose very significant risks for humans, wildlife and the environment.

Heading For The Last Roundup? GM crops a weapon of mass destruction
How did the title of a sentimental cowboy song take on such a sinister undertone in this Brave New World of The Scientific Dictatorship. Well when you remember Roundup is the brand of a herbicide based on the highly potent toxing gyphosate and genetic engineering has turned the food we eat into a delivery system for putting this poison into our bodies, you realise we could all be headinf for the last Roundup sooner than we would like

Everything has been corrupted.
We've been telling you for years that government and the entire public sector is corrupt. The courts, the civil service, police service etc. Your doctor and the people who will tread you if you have to go to hospital really work for Big Pharma even though their wages are paid out of taxes collected from you. The scientists who dutifully write reports that offer ...

American Farmers Are Abandoning GM Cops Seeds - Higher costs, Poor Yields
More bad news for the Frankenstein Food Industry - the corporate giants like Monsanto, Du Pont and Dow might have New World Order funded politicians in their pockets but the lies of the science whores they hired are transparent and they face close to one hundred per cent opposition from the public.

If GM Crops Are Bad Show Us The Evidence Said The Science Whores. So Wee Did

Show us the evidence? It's the standard reponse of the currupt and dishonest scientific academy. Them after shitloads of evidence has been produced they appoint themselves are prosecutor, judge and jury and say "This is not proper science," (i.e. not produced by corporate whores who meekly toe the party line.) Well here is the evidence that exposes another scientific lie.

The World has Really Been Turned Upside down When We Look To Russia To Defend Our Rights
Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, the land of the free, defends corporate fascism, even when it threatens the future of western civilisation. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, a nation with a long history of authoritarianism and tyranny, stands up for human rights and putting protection of the environment ahead of corporate power and profit. What's going on?

Monsanto Hi Jack Scientific Peer Review Process
Monsanto have tried tyo ram their poisonous G M foods down our throats but even in america where the Genocidally Modified Food corporation have the government, the legal system, education and academics in their pocket, public opinion is still strongly against Frankenstein Food. Now Monsanto are trying to rig the scientific review process.

Europe Kicks Monsantos Arse Over GMOs
While the politicians and bureaucrats are mad to push GMOs down our throats (literally) publich opinion hostile to Franlenstein Foods has pushed Monsanto out of Europe ... for the present.

The World has Really Been Turned Upside down When We Look To Russia To Defend Our Rights
Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, the land of the free, defends corporate fascism, even when it threatens the future of western civilisation. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, a nation with a long history of authoritarianism and tyranny, stands up for human rights and putting protection of the environment ahead of corporate power and profit. What's going on?

New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals
More evidence that Gemetically Modified organisms are totally unsuitable to be part of the human or animal food chain. When will the message sink in that our politicians and "experts" who advise them just steal our tax money on behalf of fascist corporations like Monsanto.

Are 90% Of Cancer Research Studies Fraudulent?
A shocking report published in nature magazine has revealed that up to 89% of cancer research studies may be fraudulent. In that many cases the results reported were not reproducable and were in the interests of Pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations rather than cancer sufferers. It is not clear in how many cases the researchers were knowingly dishonest and how many were just stupid ...

Diabetes skyrockets across America as Big Pharma drugs fail yet again
In spite of year on year increases in medication usage rates for preventing and treating Type II diabetes, the condition is becoming more prevalent throughout the U.S.A., according to a new study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1995 and 2010, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in nearly half of all the U.S. states more than doubled, ...

Death By Genocidally Modified Food
The now notorious Monsanto Protection Act, recently passed by the US Congress, which gives biotech corporations, particularly Monsanto immunity from criminal or civil prosecution should harm to humans or the environment arise from ...

Has The Global Food Supply Fallen Under The Control Of The Big Food Cartel?
Speed Up Introduction Of GM Crops Says Increasingly Stalinist Coalition GovernmentThe coalition is selling us out to the global government Nazis and the corporate fascists. This time is is over the introduction of GM crops which will not feed the world but will create a much greater environmental hazard than carbon dioxide. But GM crops were never about feeding the world, that are about power and control. A global tyranny is on the way if we do not start to resist now.
Dairy Farmers Ruined: Free Markets Versus Corporate Dictatorship
Thatcherite conservatives in the UK and Reaganite Republicans in the USA love to talk of free markets and the utopia they create. But do fre markets ever exist. In response to one free market enthusiast and proponent of globaliation, the daily stirrer and ian thorpe show that what looks like a free market from above is anything but when viewed from the ground.upposed to protect the efficient has actually been hijacked by a cartel of food retail chains.Dairy Farmers are being driven to bankruptcy because the "free market" in milk in which market forces are s UK
See also: [ Daily Stirrer, June 2012 ]

Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve

Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

Scalar Waves: A hidden source of clean, cost free energyA infinite supply of cost free, clean electricity that has been know to the world for over a hundred years but never exploited? Is Ian talking about a science fiction story? you might well ask. Well no, I'm not. Scalar Waves, discovered by Nikola Tesler have that potential along with the potential to put the energy companies outr of business ...
Seven Billion: Population Growth And Its ConsequencesAs the world passes the milestone of seven billion people alive in the planet at one time The Daily Stirrer's Ian Thorpe looks at the likely consequences of population growth and at what we might be able to do to get it under control.
GM crops will not feed the world
To feed the world we need more CO2 not GM crops
Just what chemicals are going in your food?
Global Food Crisis and Control Freakery
The Danger Of Monopolies To The Food Supply
Food and Another Science Fraud
Clone cows give human milk?
Frraky Frankenstein Fish
Vertical Farming
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Biotech Seeking Ways To Make People Suffer Eternally

If there is any question left about the 'God complex' with which some scientists are afflicted, it is answered with this latest news. England’s prestigious Oxford University has been the site of ongoing research into life extension technology using various methods, one of which includes a drug that can distort a person’s sense of time in order to literally create a feeling of eternal damnation.

A recent article discussing the work of Dr. Rebecca Roache opens with one line: “Sentencing a criminal to 1,000 years in an artificial hell may one day become a reality.” And, according to researchers, that day could be quite soon.

Incredibly, this research is being championed by a doctor of philosophy at Oxford who is part of their official blog called Practical Ethics.

Life extension itself is a controversial topic. The era of cyborgs and transhumanism is fast approaching, as we will soon reach the theoretical point of Singularity before 2045 when machine intelligence is predicted to surpass that of humans. Current trends toward autonomous systems of war and the advancement of artificial intelligence are leaning toward a dystopian future. It has prompted ethicists and international human rights organizations to urge restraint. The research being conducted at Oxford is likely to stir a fresh wave of indignation at the possibilities being considered.

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