Bilderberg Bastards
What is Bilberberg, who are the Bilderberg group. Fans of one of the niche channels on Freeview Digital Television may think it is an iconic 1970s TV drama. Not quite, that is The Biederbeck Affair. Some people among the tinfoil hat wearing tendency of conspiracy theorists think the Bilberberg Group are The Illuminati. Wrong again, though pretty close. Members of The Bilderberg Group are not 10,000 years old nor are they shape shifting lizards, they are very human and very real rather than fictional. Having said that there are certain similarities between The Bilderberg Group and The Illuminati, both groups are secretive to the point of paranoia, obsessed with security and surveillance, they are the ultimate control freaks. We can excuse the tinfoil hat wearers their confusion, after all their brains are addled by all those radio waves the government are beaming into their heads.
At the moment in Britain and the USA we have crises of democracy. In France the mood is explosive. If Pakistan, a nation of 150 million people with a nuclear arsenal at its disposal is teetering on the brink of civil war which would probably result in its becoming an Islamic fundamentalist theocracy, rumours are rife that the unstable government has sanctioned a huge acceleration in the manufacture of warheads. Turmoil in Pakistan would plunge India into turmoil. India, a nuclear armed nation of over 1 billion. The world is in trouble.
So why have the leaders of major nations, global corporation and the kind of banks that have not even felt the effects of the crisis in credit markets recently taken themselves off to an exclusive resort in Greece for what they claim is nothing more than a bit of a drink up and a jolly old chinwag? Do these people not have more important things on their minds?
Well no, there is nothing more important than Bilderberg. This is where the business and political frontmen come to get their instructions from the people who really run the world. This meeting is not like the recent G20. This is where the real decisions that will steer the world for the next few years will be made. The G20 guys, Gordon Brown, Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy even Silvio "The Godfather" Berlusconi and all the rest are just errand boys, messengers. Even the security for the Obama inauguration would appear low key compared to the constantly circling helicopters, armoured vehicles and heavily armed goons that surround the Bilderberg venue each year.
So why have you heard nothing of this on broadcast news bulletins or read of it in the papers. Why do web searches only yield a selection of saccharine commentaries playing down the significance of the whole thing? What the hell is going on?
Your guess is as good as mine but does anybody really think the global banking and finance community did not see the crisis coming? They could not have failed to see it because they engineered it. So far the scheme is succeeding. When the tangle of toxic debts is finally unravelled do you think the banks will be left with mountains of bad debt? Of course they will not. That debt is ours, the young with long careers ahead of them have mortgaged their futures. The older end of the working age group like me have seen our retirement funds sucked dry. People approaching retirement have been bled dry. People who are decades away from retirement have sold their souls and all their options. Now none of us are free.
Now is the time to rebel against the onward march of control freakery, against the New World Order. In Britain and around Europe we have a chance in a few weeks to reject the main political organisations, to reject the establishments controlled by Bildeberg. We can vote for a new European Parliament, for the Greens, the Libertarians, The Fringe candidates. We can strike the first blow against the control freaks and their lapdogs such as the unelected Gordon Brown, the man with no history Barack Obama and all the rest.
Watch The Daily Stirrer, we will bring you more on how to assert your independence and individuality.
One of the issues that came up at Bilderberg this year was regulation of the Internet and the closing down of blogs and web pages like this. The policy has no name as yet, Bilderberg policies never have names, the group does not exist officially. The Daily Stirrer will name it though.
The War On Dissent.
READ MORE on Bilderberg, the ecrecy, the paranoia and then ask yourself "Can I really believe if I knew what was going on I would like it?"
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