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"Our chief weapon is fear and surprise ... Our TWO chief weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency ... our three chief weapons ... so goes the scrip for my favourite Monty Python's Flying Cirdus skets, Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. The Holy Inquisition, to use its proper name, kept up its reign of terror on behalf of The Roman Catholic Church for 500 years. But fear and panic was a favourite weapon of tyrants lonmg before that, as it has been since The Inquisition was dissolved.

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M McLean 26 Apr 2020:
Despotic regimes try to keep their countries in a permanent state of emergency, because that justifies the regime's arbitrary powers.
However responsible regimes do sometimes face periods of genuine emergency, and now is an example. We've got to make drastic changes to everyday life to control a nasty virus. That means getting the population on board with NHS claps and a commitment not to burden the system with real but self-limiting conditions.
However the extraordinary measures need to cease as soon as the extraordinary situation is over.

Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis

The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms ...

Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up
Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness.

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,

Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak
With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy ...

As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so - called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.

UK To Ask Citizens Over 70 To Self - Isolatate For 4 MONTHS As Coronavirus Fails To Kill Zillions UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock today confirmed the government plans to ask people aged over 70 to isolate themselves for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to protect them. It's quite obvious to us, experienced bloggers that we are, that the government, civil service, law encorgement and national security agencies and all the assorted experts and talking heads have forgotten the lesson our generation learned from The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy ... Coronavirus: EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders. US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don't Believe Corona Virus Numbers The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested. Is the World Health Organization involved in biological warfare research? Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law, talked in a recent interview with about the Wuhan coronavirus now sweeping through the far east, laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the genetically modified virus appears to have originated, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) clandestine involvement in biological warfare research ...Continue reading Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified BioweaponFor the past two weeks mainstream media reporting of the epidemic of a new strain of coronavirus in China has been getting more and more hysterical. However, reports have pushed back against one "conspiracy theory" about the origins of the virus that has now infected as many as 70,000+ people in the central China city of Wuhan alone (depending on whom you believe). Corona Virus: Should We Worry The official data coming out of China and from other sources including the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus continues to suggest an exponential growth rate. With more and more infectious disease experts are now openly calling the virus a full-blown global pandemic, many people are asking should we in the west be worried and how bad might things get? Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about

EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open
The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.

US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don't Believe Corona Virus Numbers
The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested.

Government By Fear And Panic

The more the Government try to control people through fear and panic the more sceptical people get. Read about the latest installment in the saga of Fear and Panic and decide where you are going to draw your personal line...
READ ALL Government by Fear and Panic

Ebola outbreak caused by new strain never seen before; was it weaponized ask sceptical scientists? Since we and other blogs reported the concerns of highly regarded virologists about the strain of ebola virus involved in the outbreak currently devastating three west African nations, several more experts have gone public to say that the current strain of Ebola virus plaguing Africa and slowly spreading to other continents is potentially much more lethal than previous strains identified by virologists.

Mind controlControlling the American Mind: The Viral Liturgical Psychodrama

Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their 'The Jihad Is Coming' scare but have a new weapon Ebola ...

Fear and Panic and Ebola Fever
The latest attempt to justify war has been the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine allegely by pro Russia separatists with support from The Kremlin. So far the 'compelling evidence' the American government claimed to possess has not been revealed but such evidence as has been seen points to another false flag even. Remember the Swine Flu pandemic?They're doing it again with Ebola fever, ramping up the scare factor and trying to spread enough fear and panic to justify suspending democratic rule by pretending this disease could potentially kill most of us.

If Free Market Capitalism Is The Global Economic System, WTF Is This All About?
One day we post a long article on how the corporate cartel is taking over the world, the next we read very credible information showing the corporate businesses that make up the cartel are being bought up by the central banks. Now nominally the central banks are owned by government, i.e. we the people. In reality however most central banks are controlled by the rothschild banking dynasty which hold jaw dropping amounts of government debt. WTF is going on?

Population Is The New Climate Change
As the fake science that was used to push the global warming scare is exposed further almost every day, where do the global elites look now for the scare story that will generate enough fear and panic to drive their global totalitarian government agenda forward? Over population is the new climate change. The Daily Stirrer tells all in this article

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty
One of our themes in The Daily Stirrer has been the new elise and their push for global government. Here in a cross post with Philo and Sophia we look at the political philosophy behind multiculturalism global view thinking and the push to abolish national sovereignty and hand power to supranational bureaucrats

Everything has been corrupted.
We've been telling you for years that government and the entire public sector is corrupt. The courts, the civil service, police service etc. Your doctor and the people who will tread you if you have to go to hospital really work for Big Pharma even though their wages are paid out of taxes collected from you. The scientists who dutifully write reports that offer ...

Global Warming Was A Money Making Scam - But Is Global Cooling A Serious Threat?
We would love to say that for years we were the lone voice of sanity crying out against the climate change madness, but the truth is that despite all that "the science is settled" bullshit there were always armies of ethical researchers, environmentalists and media commentator who saw the tax raising scam for what it was. Now the AGW scaremongers are in full retreat and every week new evidence of their fraud emerges.

Winter Deaths: Annual Fear And Panic campaign begins
Winter deaths? Why does the government launch this big fearand panic campaign every year, if not to push flu vaccines for their Big Pharma buddies. Do you think it is coincidence that the annual 'flu' death toll is the same as the annual Winter Death figure. Yeah, every death from some non specific viral infection during the flu seaon is a flu death. It's just another fraud, very few people actually die of true Influenza

Typhoon Haiyan Used As An Excuse To Recolonise Philippines By U.S. Government
Experiments in controlling weather as a potential weapon, population control system and for other reasons have been carried on by governments since the early 1950s and despite the insistence of science and big government fans that it is a conspiracy theory, the US government's HAARP project has been acknowledged. So are suggestions the recent Philippines typhoon Haiyan catastrophe a result of an EMP weather weapon attack feasible?

Angelina's Tits: Was the world too quick to celebrate the unnecessary double mastectomy
Was the world right to make Angelina Jolie a hero for having her healthy breasts removed? Now the commercial motivations behind the move are coming to light, it seems Ms. Jolie's double mastectomy on the strength of manmmograms that revealed patented genes that contribute little to cancer risk but much to corporate profits could have been a career destroying misjudgement.

Scientific Dictatorship: The Total Surveillance Society Is Coming Soon.
Just because you're paranoid, it does not mean they are not watching you. The totall surveillance society is spreading as fast as your freedom is disappearing. CCTV, Drones, Google data snooping, giant databases, everything you do is monitored and logged.

Labour Planned To Put Britons Out Of Work By Engineering Mass Immigration Says Mandelson
Peter Mandelson has finally admitted allegations made by Consrvative and Liberal Democrat MPs, civil service whistle blowers and many journalists from across the political spectrum, that in their years in power from 1997 to 2010 Labour deliberately encouraged mass immigration to put britons out of work and alter the balance of British society.

Fear and Panic: how To Create Threats and Enemies Fear and panic has always been one of the most potent weapons of tyrants and wannabe tyrants. But in an world lacking enemies how do the elitists of the New World Order create enough fear and panic to persuade populations to surrender freedom and live under a global totalitarian government? Food Fascists Spread Fear and Panic About The Obesity Pandemic
In another of our consciousness raising initiatives Greenteeth, the parent company of The Daily Stirrer, Little Nicky Machiavelli and Boggart Blog has created the Golden Orwell Awards. Today we award the Golden Orwells to Doctors, The NHS and the British Medical Association for their services to fascism in bending the truth about the health threats posed by obseity, alcohol and lack of exercise. We suggest the risks are not as great as will be posed by doctors withdrawing threwatment from those who do not obey.

Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve

Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

Climate Change and the Population Explosion
In all the debates about climate change and the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment there is one issue that has a huge bearing on humanity's relationship with our planet that neither politicians nor scientists will discuss. Population growth. So a philosopher has to step up to the mark and ask why people are encouraged to have children when we face so many population related problems?

The Truth About Conspiracy TheoriesClimate change, the World Trade centre, Obama's elegibility saga, GM crops, Enron, The News of the World hacking affair, Toxic debt andthe financial meltdown of 2008, The death of Princess Diana; conspiracy theories are everywhere. Many people claiming to be rationalists rubbish them but are there really no grounds at all for suispicion.

Finger Wagging Nanny Points Way To Big Brother and 1984
Few of us hoped for truly great things from the coalition government formed by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats after we threw out the wretched New Labour poltroons, but we did not expect an extension of the nanny state, more finger wagging authoritarianism and a thought police agenda that would have shocked George Orwell himself from this Big Brother coalition. We Just Got Fooled AgainClimate Change and causes relating to saving the planet are becoming an industry, a gravy train. International bureaucrats fly around the world from meeeting to meeting (and they're all in exotic location) to take party in another feat of windbaggery that will solvle neith global warming, food or water shortage, wildlife species extinction or the growing population.
Scientists And Politicians Attack The Food We Love, But Is It Science Or Just Control Freakery
A sustained campaign of misinformation by politicians, scientists, bureaucrats and the media have tried to brand fat and salt as the twin demons of the modern diet. Both however are essential to our wellbeing. So what are the bureaucrats, government and science lobby up to. What is the politics of food fascism. Are they just behaving as control freaks must or are they softening us up for extra taxes and government regulation of our dinner plates and the food we eat.

Acohol Abuse Will Kill 250,000 A Year Unless Governmnt Acts say Control Freak Doctors
The Health fascists have been out in force this week. With reports on the dangers of alcohol, meat, salt and obesity published our resistance is being tested. The Daily Stirrer is on your side whether you like a drink, a bit of meat, a sprinking of salt on your food or you are a shade overweight. We are always happy to expose the dodgy scence and rigged evidence behind theses control freak fear and panic exercises.

Wikileaks: American President Gave Britain's Secrets To Russia To Secure A Deal
Daily Telegraph Exclusive: The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose...

The terrorist threat level at major transport hubs in the UK has been raised to severe, it was reported today. Extra police have been deployed on the rail network and at Heathrow airport, according to the unconfirmed reports, but there was no suggestion of an imminent threat. The raising of the threat level from ...

Flu Deaths Hit Fifty This Year
More official bullshit from the Ministry of Fear and Panic. Quite what the aim of this is as most of the overbought flu vaccine from the bird flu scare of a few years ago, another pandemic that did not happen, are past their 'use by' date now and clinics are running out of vaccine. People need to be told not to panic, that (as Dr. Hilary Jones assured viewers on breakfast TV this morning, 'flu is a relitavely mild illness and only in a very small number of cases does it pose a serious threat to

The Swine Flu Scam Revisited
by Ed Butt
29 December 2010

As the swine flu pandemic that did not happen last year refuses to happen again this year the fear and panic industry has gone into overdrive over a handful of serious cases of flu that might or might not be the notoriously elusive H1N1 variant. Like Ponzi schemes, health scares resurface with amazing regularity. Remember how last year the ...

American Concerns About British MuslimsUS concerns that the UK was having difficulty containing the threat posed by home-grown extremism have been revealed in new Wikileaks cables. One cable said the British government made "little progress" in engaging with the UK's Muslim community after the 7 July 2005 terror attacks in London.The communication was delivered to Washington from the American embassy in London in August 2006.

A Frenchman Dropped His Trousers
Essential reading for anyone susceptible to the political manipulation techniques of The Ministry Of Fear And Panic. This comic verse, based on something I witnessed in New York's JFK airport in 1969 shows how the use of fear and panic to create an atmosphere in which people will surrender freedoms for the illusuion of security can make the mist innocuous incident seem threatening.

Government Declares Cyclist Hunting Season Open The road safety whiners are at it again. Predicatably their response to news that speed cameras are to be phased out is to start whining about carnage on the roads. The truth is spped does not kill, stupidity kills and more road deaths are caused by the stupidity of pedestrians, cyclists and skateboarders. Car drivers at least have to pass a test to prove their competence.
Should The Cuts Hit The NHS?
As anticipation mounted about Chancellor George Osborne's emergency budget aimed at bringing the public sector spending deficit under control people were asking if budhgets for the National Health Service (NHS) would be cut. We can think of one area of the NHS where cutting the budget might improve matters...

Pentagon Hunts Wiki Leaks Founder
Pentagon hunts WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in bid to gag the website. Soldier Bradley Manning said to have leaked diplomatic cables to whistleblower, . Plus video of US troops killing Iraqis; fear and panic in Washington DC is a story in todays Guardian

War On Terror 2008: A Suspect Called Paddington
Paddington Bear makes a return to the printed page in a new book by author Michael Bond.

In the story Paddington copes with life in the 21st century in his inimicable way, leaving a trail of chaos and bemusement behind him. But just think if Paddington was making his debut in the 21st century, rather than the gentler more trusting times of post-war Britain.

Immigration - The Elephant In The Election Room.
Throughout the election campaign the three main parties, Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat have shied away from the immigration issue. How can these charlatans put themselves forward as serious politicians prepared to implement the political solutions needed to deal with Britains problems when they dare not comment on the issue of greatest concern to most voters for fear of upsetting the numerically small but unrepresentatively vocal politically correct "progressive left."
[ Politics & Economy] ... [ Election 2010 ] ... [ fear and panic ]

Vapid Science More Dangerous Than Volcanic Dust
The cloud of volcanic dust belched out by an icelandic volcano grounded most European and trnsatlantic flights. But was there a real danger to airline passenger from the volcano or was it another case of Politiical control freaks and their science poodles using fear and panic in a desperate attempt to revover a little of the credibility they lost through the climate change science scandal and the swine flu pandemic that never was?

If There Weren't Any Canadians You'd Have To Invent Them
In the past few days I have been intrigued by a news story emerging from a district attorney’s office in Texas. A memo sent by an assistant DA to a prosecutor congratulated him on overcoming “a subversive defence that had some "Canadians" on the jury feeling sorry for the defendant. Canadiands it seems was a new euphemism for a certain ethnic minority group...

Whatever Happened To Swine Flu.
If you are reading this it is probably a good indication you are alive. Swine Flu did not kill you A year ago the government was warning this virus would kill any of us that did not get the overpriced vaccine big pharma made and us taxpayers so generously forked out for. So what happened? Why are so many of us still alive?

Live Forever Or Choose Life
Never a week and scarecely a day goes by without the latest shot in the wannabe global government's campaingn of fear and panic being fired at us ordinary folk. It will relate to health, drink, drugs, diet or smoking and offer in exchange for another freedom some dubious advantage. The lastest on the British front in this war on reality is a warning that air pollution in casusing 55,000 early deaths a year. Now if we stop all indusry in its tracks (because industrial processes are the main cause of pollution) thus increasing unemployment to 99% of the employable population (those who work in public services are in real terms unemployable) thus stopping those 55,000 deaths, ban smoking and drinking, stop people eating dodgy stuff that promotes stomach cancer etc. etc. pretty soon, if you add up all the lives these measures will save, nobody will be dying... Which would be a nightmare future in a world full of incontinent old gits.

Teen Binge Drinking Crisis
Politicians, medical experts and church leaders here in Britain are spreading fear and panic about the binge drinking antics of teenagers buf we lok at levels of drinking pre World Waar One it puts today's drinkers in perspective. Politics and the fear and panic industry never had much use for perspective though. All around the country young people are getting rat-arsed on cheap alcohol from the supermarket then going out to get into some serious drinking in the pubs and clubs and behaving in an offensive and embarrassing way. I've read things are pretty much the same in the other English speaking nations so we must wonder is something going on, is there some social trend that is...

Diabetic, Unconscious and Dangerous
We live in dangerous times as the government's FMinistry Of Fear And Panic are always telling us but when the anti - terror squad are called to deal with comatose diabetic of mass destruction we have to wonder what kind of world we live in. Diabetes is a terrible thing in many ways but it is not, to the best of our knowledge, likely to make people explode in public places...

Survivors: Gordon Brown Cancels Election, Declares State Of EmergencyAs a new series of the television science fiction drama Survivors begins we can't help but look at our increasingly chaotic, catastrophic, dystopic world where fear and panic rules and wonder is the show a post apocalyptic drama or a lightweight domestic sit - com?...

31 December 2009
Fondue Of Terror

The war on terror could be coming to a suburban living room near you very soon as new food related weapons of mass fear and panic are developed by Al Qaeda. Boggart Blog has already reported on dangerous cheese, exploding gravy, sauces of fear and panic and the soup of death. But now we must bring news of a worse threat....

22 December 2009 Climate Change:How Much Blame Must Science Take?
After the Copenhagen climate summit failed to agree a plan of action to combat climate change the science lobby have been quick to blame capitalism, business, politicians and the public. But a critical and objective analysis reveals there is olny one culprit. Science alone is to blame. Egged on by their cheerleaders on the "progressive" left of the political spectrum the scientists have spread fear and panic about climate change when all the time they did not have a clue what was going on...

Climate Change: Little White Lies and Big Brown Lies
The Copenhagen summit conference on climate change was never about climate change. It was about money, power, control and the need to divert attention from the failure of globalization by the spreading of fear and panic. The idea was to make us feel dependent on our leaders. Pity the science used to back up the case for action was so easily exposed as fraudulent. Read more...

We're All Going To Die. WTF?
Another seasonal rebellion from Boggart Blog against the annual crop of killjoy health warnings from governmet departments aimed at spoiling the holiday for the impressionable by spreading fear and panic. More hilarious stuff from the UK's top satire and humour blog.

11 December 2009
Copenhagen Climate Conference: The Stink Of Shit And Corruption

The spiel from the control freak governments of developed nations in the run up to the Copenhagen Climate Conference billed as the last chance to save the planet from a global warming catastrophe (nothing like creating a bit of fear and panic to get people's attention) went something like this."You must listen to the scientists, you must not think for yourselves, you must never question authority," Luckily we all knew the scientists chanting this mantra were as much crooks and liars as the politicians and billionaires they worked for...follow link and read the whole sordid story in a new window:
Copenhagen Climate Conference: The Stink Of Shit And Corruption.

13 December 2009
Swine Flu - No worries, you'll just gain a few pounds
by ianrthorpe
The government of control freaks are keeping up their fear and panic campaign to turns us all into gibbering wrecks who cower in fear of swine flu. Boggart Blog has always said this scare is simply about 2009-11-17
Fear And Panic And HP Sauce
Those who live by fear and panic die by fear and panic. The government's attempts to bully us all into giving up our civil liberties so we may be safe from terrorism has failed. Only the security forces are afraid of their own shadows, the rest of us stoically get on with our lives...

Swine Flu - If You Need A Crisis Just Invent One
The Daily Stirrer has always been sceptical about the Swine Flu epidemic. It first hit the news just before the G20 economic summit meeting of world leaders earlier in the year. The summit was ostensibly convened to hack out a solution to the global financial crisis but was in reality a front for the first step towards creating a world government. One of the delegates even went so far as to hint at this in a television interview. Asked if the task the summit had set delegates for the future was to create a global economy this man said, "Our task is to create a global culture."

READ ALL Need A Crisis - Just Invent A Pandemic

The Swine Flu Conspiracy
The Swine Flu Conspiracy? As the Fear and Panic industry gears up to sell us all doses of toxic shite in the guise of a vaccine to protect us from the 'second wave' of that nasty Swine Flu pandemic that you may recall was going to wipe us all out earlier in the year...

Do You Know Who You Are
There can be no justification for making us pay the government good money just to have them tell us who we are. Why would anybody pay to be told who they are? If you don't know who you are, you probably don't care and therefore might be better off not knowing; if you do know then why would you pay somebody to tell you?